Space for Newspeak here!

This is all.

Changes I did to make it work

  1. In init.el, overrode (using ":before-until" advice) handling of function org-html-src-block from ox-html.el. The change, upon encountering a src_block with language newspeak, exports a div with a class evaluator used by Ampleforth.js. Place the following advice to the init.el

    (advice-remove 'org-html-src-block #'org-html-src-block-newspeak)
    ;; Advice to handle newspeak begin_src end_src.
    (defun org-html-src-block-newspeak  (src-block _contents info)
      (let* ((code (org-html-format-code src-block info))
             (lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
        (if (string-equal "newspeak" lang)
            (format "<div class=\"evaluator\" expression = \"%s\"> </div>" code))))
    (advice-add 'org-html-src-block :before-until #'org-html-src-block-newspeak)
  2. In the blog org file: Added BEGIN_EXPORT html with 2 sections. First section adds styling on elements with class="evaluator", the second section adds the script with Ampleforth.js. NOTE: This must be at the end, for the script to be at the end of body or after the body.

    #+begin_export html
       <style> img {width: 25px; height: 25px;} </style> <style> .evaluator + pre {display: none;} .preview .evaluator + pre {display: block;} </style>
       <script type="text/javascript" class="preview" src="/js/Ampleforth.sources.js"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript" class="preview" src="/js/Ampleforth.js"></script>
  3. Added the following files in the blog directory $BLOG (there is where Jekyll serves from):
    • Added $BLOG/js/Ampleforth.js and $BLOG/js/Ampleforth.sources.js
    • In $BLOG/img, added images:

  4. In Ampleforth.js: replaced i.src = "" with i.src = "/img/"

This must be at the end